Terms and Conditions

§1 Service content

1.1 The recognition of the Policies are necessary prerequisite to be able to participate in the game. They apply to all offers on the part of operators, including the Forum and other Game-content.

1.2 The service is free. Thus there are no claims to the availability, delivery, functionality, or damages. Furthermore, the player has no claims to restore, account should have been adversely treated.

§2 Membership

2.1 By logging on in the game and / or the Forum membership will start in the game.

2.2 Which begins with the declaration Membership may be terminated on the part of the member by deleting the account or by letter of an administrator. The erasure of data for technical reasons can not be made immediately.

2.3 Terminated by the operator No user has any right to participate in tenders of the operator. The operator reserves the right to delete accounts. The decision to delete an account is solely and exclusively to the operator and administrator and operator. Any legal claim to a membership is excluded.

2.4 All rights remain with the operator.

§3 Contents / Responsibility

For the content of the various game-communications capabilities, users are responsible. Pornographic, racist, abusive or otherwise violates applicable law contrary content outside the responsibility of the operator. Violations can lead to immediate cancellation or revocation.

§4 Prohibited procedures

4.1 The user is not authorized to use hardware / software or other substances or mechanisms associated with the web site, which can interfere with the function and the game. The user may not continue to take any action that may cause undue stress or increased technical capacity. The user is not allowed to manipulate content generated by the operator or interfere in any way with the game.

4.2 Any type of bot, script or other automated features are prohibited. The game can be played only in the browser. Even its functions should not be used to gain an advantage in the game. Thus, no advertising shall be blocked. The decision of when a software is beneficial for the players, lies solely with the operator / with the administrators / operators.

§5 Restrictions on Use

5.1 A player may only use each one account per universe, so-called \ Multinationals \ are not allowed and will be deleted without warning can / will be locked. The decision of when there is a \ multi \ lies solely with the operator / administrators / operators.

5.2 Particulars shall be governed by the rules.

5.3 Lockouts can permanently at the discretion of the operator or temporary. Similarly, closures may extend to one or all play areas. The decision will be suspended when and how long a player who is only with the operator / with the administrators / operators.

§6 Privacy

6.1 The operator reserves the right to store data of the players in order to monitor compliance with the rules, terms of use and applicable law. Filed all required and submitted by the player or his / her account information. These (IPs are associated with periods of use and usage, the email address given during registration and other data. In the forum, made there in the profile are stored.

6.2 This data will be released under certain circumstances to carry out statutory duties to clerks and other authorized persons. Furthermore, data can (if need be issued) under certain circumstances to third parties.

6.3 The user can object to the storage of personal data at any time. An appeal is a termination right.

§7 Rights of the operator of the Accounts

7.1 All accounts and all the virtual objects remain in the possession and ownership of the operator. The player does not obtain ownership and other rights to any account or parts. All rights remain with the operator. A transfer of exploitation or other rights to the user will take place at any time.

7.2 Unauthorized sale, use, copy, distribute, reproduce or otherwise violate the rights (eg on account) of the operator will be reported to authorities and prosecuted. Expressly permitted is the free, permanent transfer of the account and the actions of their own resources in the universe, unless and except as permitted by the rules.

§8 Liability

The operator of each universe is not liable for any damages. A liability is excluded except for damage caused by intent or gross negligence and all damage to life and health. In this regard, is expressly pointed out that computer games can pose significant health risks. Damages are not within the meaning of the operator.

§9 Changes to Terms

The operator reserves the right to modify these terms at any time or extend. A change or addition will be published at least one week before the entry in Forum.

xNova Revolution Redesigned © 2020
Development and Design by Niobel González Triana
Cuba, Villa Clara, CamajuanĂ­-Vueltas